February 2023
January 2023
Ephesians 1
What is shaping who you are becoming? The story of what God has done should shape who we become! This is part 1 of learning what God has done in Christ and how we can respond to that work and grow.
Growth from Wisdom
Are your choices impacting your growth in healthy ways? Even though we were created to grow, our choices impact our growth. This is why wisdom is critical for us. What is a good approach to gaining the wisdom that will help us grow healthy lives with faith?
December 2022
Emmanuel (Joy with Us)
The Christmas season does not always feel super joyful becuase of grief or money issues and stress. What can we be joyful about during Christmas and all year? What can we learn from Jesus’ mother, Mary, in Luke 1? Pastor Andy answers these questions and provides 4 actions we can do to help fuel joy […]
Emmanuel (Peace is with Us)
Life has plenty of anxieties, chaos, and emptiness. Is peace just the absence of those things or is it more than that? Does God look at peace in a different way and what does that mean for the world?
November 2022
Emmanuel (Hope is with Us)
Christmas is a time to celebrate hope, peace, joy, and love in God. What gives you hope? During Week 1 of Advent, Pastor Andy shares how Jesus is the hope of the world. Matthew 1 John 3:16-17 Romans 6:23 1 John 3:8 John 11:25-26
October 2022
Faith From Fire
Faith From the Fire Within. Life has disappointments and unmet expectations. There are plenty of voices full of doubt and discouragement crying out because life does not go the way we thought it should. YET, Jesus tells a different story with grace and hope. It stirs a fire within us if we listen and trust […]
Listen to God
Many voices speak truth, as they see it. But, if everyone’s worldview is a little different, what can you listen to and learn from and have peace? Jesus’ Transfiguration experience with Peter, James, and John provides an answer to that question. Luke 9:28-36