February 2024

The Unexpected

“I didn’t see that coming!” “God wouldn’t use me for something that important!” “I could never do something that great for God!” God has a history of using unexpected people and their faith to do unexpected things. One of those persons is Rahab (Joshua 2). What does Rahab have in common with Jesus and many […]

Trust in Jesus

Two Kingdoms, Two Lords, One You…which one will you choose?

Faithful to One Another

Being a good friend requires faithfulness to one another. What are some images of faithfulness that friendships need to know about? How does the life of Jesus encourage us to be faithful to one another, especially in the family of God?

January 2024

Faithful to God

What does God’s faithfulness inspire in you? What is a healthy way of responding to God’s faithfulness? When God gave Joshua commands on how to lead Israel after Moses died, we get a glimpse into God’s idea of faithfulness. Many years later, Jesus Christ took that same idea and clarified it for everyone who chooses […]

Faithfulness (God)

Seasons, people, and stuff will come and go at various times. Yet, God is always abounding in love and faithfulness. His words in Joshua 1, are a reminder that God is faithful! If God is faithful, how should that impact the posture of our lives?

A Better You, A Better Year

The story of Jesus’ baptism prompts us to reflect on our lives and ask powerful, life-changing questions. Since January is a time for thinking about resolutions, let’s ask the questions that can make your life better.

December 2023

Worthy is the King (Christmas Eve)

When the Wise Men came to honor the birth of Jesus in Bethlehem and King Herod wanted to know where Jesus was born, two kingdoms were colliding. What are those kingdoms, and which one do you affiliate with? What gifts are you giving Christ the King?

Light Up Christmas!

While trees, lights, and festivities are wonderful, what is at the heart of Christmas? What is the light of Christmas? Enjoy a funny telling of Who is at the heart of Christmas and why it matters for everyone.

God is Gracious

Life does not always go the way we want it to, and we cannot always control the outcomes. Thankfully, God is gracious in our struggles. His compassions never fail. This first week in Advent reminds us of the hope we can have because of God’s grace and mercy in Christ.

November 2023

Looking with anticipation to Christmas

As the Christmas season gets ready to start, there is anticipation and joy. But, for what? What is this season giving thanks for and celebrating that is worth getting excited about?