August 2023

Sermon 8/27/23

Being Our Kid’s Advocate

What is a loving way to help kids manage anxieties when going back to school? What can that look like in practical ways? Can that be seen in the way God loves us? Watch for the answers and encouragement.

SERMON 8 13 2023

Back to School: Managing Anxieties

Going back to school brings thoughts and uncertainties that can lead to anxieties. What can we use to help navigate this season? How can our faith help us? What practical steps can we take to help us think, do, say in a healthy way?

July 2023

Making Disciples Who Make Disciples

Passionate Spirituality

Passion is powerful! A passionate spirituality (i,e., faith relationship with Christ) can change lives and impact the future of a community. A church can grow with it and die without it. What does it mean to be passionate about your faith in Jesus? Does the Bible give examples of passionate faith? What are you passionate […]

Sermon 7/26/23

Guest Speaker 7-9-2023

June 2023

Guest Speaker

A Healthy Church

God has created all life to thrive through being healthy and that includes the church. Sure, there are conflicts and chaos in our world, but God’s purpose remains the same. What does it take to be healthy and thrive? This video begins our series that answers that question for the Church.