May 2022

Being Incredible – By Contributing

Incredible followers of Jesus contribute to the mission–the work of helping others learn to trust and follow Jesus. Even though it can feel like a sacrifice or a seem to have a poor return on investment, the mission is worth all we can contribute. In fact, Jesus will hold us all accountable to whether we […]

Being Incredible: Through Consistency

April 2022

Being Incredible: Through Commitment

New Hope Community Church Easter 2022

Palm Sunday Sermon

Reflection: Adoption

March 2022

Reflection: Restoration

Taking brokenness and restoring it. While God does restorative work in people’s lives, we can also do restorative work in our lives as a way to teach God” love to the world. Pastor Andy teaches about restoration and shares practical ways to do restorative work right now.

Reflection: Reconciliation

Reflections: Forgiveness

What is Lent